Alternative Risk Premia in a Volatile Market

When:  Apr 19, 2023 from 06:30 PM to 10:00 PM (CET)
Associated with  CFA Society Luxembourg

Alternative risk premia investing is not a new phenomenon. The interest and recognition around this investment strategy have been increasing among investors, as well as it has been a vital source of return especially in distress periods where correlations across different asset classes have heightened.

Entering into 2023 where market volatility and uncertainty are still lingering, the risk premia investing can be a strong building block within a portfolio to increase its resiliency. In this seminar, Dr. Asbjørn Trolle Hansen, Head of Multi Assets at Nordea Asset Management will re-visit the fundamentals of risk premia investing to illustrate how this may enable higher downside protection and an overall better risk adjusted return profile in a portfolio. 


Hotel Le Royal
12 bd Royal


Valerie de Kergorlay