Mortagage Regulations w/Jeanette Fjære-Lindkjenn

When:  Aug 22, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM (CET)
Associated with  CFA Society Norway

CFA Society Norway is pleased to invite you to a session on mortgage regulation with economist Jeanette Fjære-Lindkjenn. Jeanette Fjære-Lindkjenn is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Housing Lab at OsloMet, and was a member of the Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Committee at Norges Bank from January 2020 to December 2023. She is currently working on a summary article for Samfunnsøkonomen on regulation of mortgages in Norway. The article summarizes newer research on mortgage regulations, and is meant to add to the current debate on Utlånsforskriften, whose current form will expire at the end of 2024.


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