
Sponsorship Opportunitues

CFA Buffalo provides a captive audience of local financial professionals. Showcase your business through sponsorship opportunities with us! 

Event Sponsorship

The easiest and most popular sponsorship is by sponsoring an event. We offer partial or full sponsorship opportunities to fit any need and budget. For more information about event sponsorship, please reach out to JonCarlo Callea: jcallea@sterinv.com.

  • Luncheon event: We welcome sponsorships to cover food costs, event space, product purchase (books, courses), or anything else you might want to promote. 
  • Dinners, panel discussions: Purchase a table, become a sole event sponsor, or part of a small select group of sponsors. 
  • Investment Research Challenge: Sponsor a team, donate your time, engage in a speaking opportunity to students.

Society Sponsorship

Our local society is funded by member dues as well as a small subsidy from the CFA Institute. While we are financially self-sustaining, we are always looking for ways to increase value to our members. Become a society sponsor and gain access to our job postings, events, premiere advertising space on our website and throughout our branding efforts, and other exclusive opportunities to connect with students, candidates, members, and local financial professionals! 

Reach out to Matt Krajna to learn more: Matthew.Krajna@nottinghamadvisors.com