Sustainable Investing Forum with Allianz and Robeco - External Event

When:  Oct 3, 2024 from 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM (BE)
Associated with  CFA Society Belgium

The annual Sustainable Investing Forum is taking place on Thursday 3 October, this year the theme is: ESG is dead, long live ESG 2.0.  Until 2022 ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing was embraced by more and more investors around the world. ESG has been seen as doing good for the world without losing any performance in the past. However, today’s higher-for-longer rate environment has impacted the performance of many sustainable portfolios negatively. Additionally, the support of some governments has declined significantly due to political shifts further fuelling a debate amongst clients, distributors and asset managers: are ESG investments always the best choice for investors?
Is ESG dead? Or is the answer more nuanced and do we see now the early signs of the genesis of ESG 2.0?  The investment experts will discuss topics related to ESG 2.0, including energy transition and investing with a social angle.

 The conference has a very exciting line up of speakers and investment experts and will host different presentations by Morningstar/Sustainalytics and both hosting asset managers followed by two panel discussions (including a discussion amongst distributors). A full list of speakers will follow.
The Sustainable Investing Forum has been organized since 2017 and designed to encourage meaningful peer-to-peer dialogue between investors to educate, discuss and share insights on latest developments in sustainable investing.

Click here for registrations.



Maison Grand Place
Grand Place 19