Latest News

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    This position has now been filled - further news to follow in coming weeks

  • Blog Entry

    We are excited to announce that we are seeking two new volunteers to join our board of directors at the CFA Society Belgium. Serving on our board is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the CFA community and make a meaningful impact in the Belgian finance industry.  For full details see here The Nomination committee: more

  • The CFA Society Belgium President, Thomas Rostron, CFA has been invited to join the panel at the upcoming event: "Talent & HR Revolution in Finance: How to attract the best young professionals" at the BFC.

  • Following the Charterholder Award and Theses Winner Event, you can find an extensive library of pictures on here.

  • 2023 Forecasting Event

    Blog Entry

    28/12/22 - During our annual forecasting event, three experts will guide us through their expectations about the economy and the markets for the coming year. Johan Van Overtveldt, Member of the European Parliament and former Belgian Minister of Finance will give his view on inflation, central bank policy, cost of energy and more

About the CFA Society Belgium 

Our Society was founded in 2006 and has more than 380 members. CFA Society Belgium is a professional organisation with the objective of furthering the public perception and standing of the investment profession as well as providing services and support for its members in Belgium. We organise regular events in Brussels and other locations.