So data is the problem... and the opportunity

When:  Mar 28, 2023 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM (BE)
Associated with  CFA Society Belgium

Utilizing a data centric approach banks, insurance companies and asset owners can set up a business operating model which allows them to:
be maximally in control of their own organizations and outsourcing partners
match and monitor their investments (allocation), risks, controls and performance much more accurately and continuously by continuous (stochastic) forecasting over short and long horizons
be way cheaper and much more flexible ie. adding new services and/or products (“libraries”)
make decision making and the effectuation thereof near real time; no adverse price developments
account for their investment policy vis a vis their clients, shareholders and supervisors by matching actual vs plan any time
which only requires cash flow neutral implementation (no Capex) against a solid business case on Opex and value creation.

Dr. Ken van Ierlant (Phd, MBA)
Ken is a seasoned and experienced Digital Strategy Director & Thought Leader with 40 years of practical experience in Business Transformations & Turn Around programs with a strong digital component as a Digital CEO or senior Digital executive.

Bas Huitink
Bas (Msc, Bsc) is a purposeful, innovative professional with primary focus on operations, risk and finance including the continuous evolution of management information and information architecture. His broad experience ranging from devising data-based strategies, instilling decision-making processes to establishing results-focused objectives and timetables, constitutes an essential basis for development of data centric business operating models. Creating participation and involvement is a trademark modus operandi of his.
18:30 Presenation
19:30 Q&A
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