New Charterholders

We are proud to welcome our new CFA Charterholders!

We were delighted to have many of you in attendance at the Holiday Social and Charter Recognition Ceremony on December 7, 2023, at Portland City Grill. It was an occasion to honor the accomplishments of Portland's latest CFA Charterholders. 

Ryan Abou-Haidar, CFA

Meaghan Bradley-Bussell, CFA

Nichaolas Buckley, CFA

Yongshuai Chen, CFA

Xiaozhe Chen, CFA

Michael Crennen, CFA

William Jellison, CFA

Kevin Johnson, CFA

Michael Johnston, CFA

Erik Jones, CFA

Jackson Lewis, CFA

Thuy Dung Ngo, CFA

Kyle Stein, CFA

David Suh, CFA

Thy Anh Tran, CFA

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