CFA Society Taiwan

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  • 你聽過「 Global ESG Disclosure Standards 」嗎? ESG 在近幾年蓬勃發展之後,金融市場充斥 ESG 相關的投資商品。投資人在解讀 ESG 基金或是 ESG 投資商品時,很容易因為資訊不完整、模糊不清、或者前後不一致的情形而扭曲了對 ...

  • CFA Institutee將於2024年4月12日至13日舉辦「亞太區開放日」特別活動(APAC Open Day)。本次開放日活動將以線上直播方式進行,只要擁有CFA Institute網站登入帳號,即可報名參加。 點我前往註冊帳號 這次的活動規劃以「職涯發展」主題為中心,活動邀請來自金融和投資領域的專家和從業者分享他們的職業發展路徑,帶來關於職業發展的見解和建議。除此之外,還有機會直接聽到企業主管及人力資源代表分享從雇用的角度對於求職者的期待,讓與會者懂得如何強化自身的能力,隨時準備好掌握職涯發展機會。自2023年CFA®(特許金融分析師)考試革新也將在本次活動中由專人分享,同時,目前金融業關注的議題,如:ESG投資、氣候風險、私募市場和數據科學等亦有相關介紹。 ...

  • Certificate in ESG Investing自2021年底開放考試以來,台灣已經有超過230位考生報名考試,目前已經有破百位考生取得證照。目前仍持續有考生報考與備考,亦有教育機構正與CFA Institute洽談開課事宜。   ...

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  • Tuesday

    CPD - Business Valuation in the Era of Social Media

    Jul 9, 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM (CST)
    “Business Valuation in the Era of Social Media” According to Forbes, global social media users reached 4.9 billion by 2023, projected to reach 5.85 billion by 2027 with a compound annual growth rate of 26.2% (1) .  The social media industry has witnessed the remarkable emergence of several billion and trillion-dollar businesses. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp, is valued at 1.21 trillion USD (as of May 10, 2024) and earns 131.948 billion USD annually through advertising (Meta annual report 2023). YouTube, owned by Google, generates 31.51 billion USD in annual ad revenues (2)   Social media has not only revolutionized how people socialize and conduct business but has also demonstrated tremendous potential for growth and profitability. In this seminar, Professor Kasper Meisner Nielsen will be using ”Twitter” as an example to discuss the valuation difficulties that arise when the traditional valuation techniques are difficult to apply to rapidly growing industries. In January 2022, Elon Musk began acquiring an equity stake in Twitter Inc., resulting in a surprise hostile takeover bid to purchase and delist the company in April 2022. The offer of $54.20 per share represented a 38% premium on Twitter’s stock, suggesting a significant potential for additional value creation. In this sample class we will take a close look at the valuation of Twitter and apply valuation techniques to evaluate how Twitter can create value through strategic decisions. In practice, valuation is challenging because it requires modelling the future. These challenges are exacerbated in industries undergoing change due to new technology or changing consumer behavior.   During the seminar, you will learn about: ·        Basic valuation tools and techniques ·        Practical application of valuation to business cases ·        Valuation of apps and social network companies ·        Elon Musk’s decision to invest in the social media industry in 2022 ·        What you can (and cannot) learn about business cases from valuation techniques
    Taipei, Taiwan